Monday, August 29, 2016


"The habit of the habit is more important than the habit itself"

Yup. No matter what the habit is, whether it's considered good or bad, healthy or unhealthy, the fact that you do it habitually is what matters. Understanding this is a key component of behavior change. By identifying which habits you'd like to outgrow, you create time and space for new ones. Acknowledging which current habits enrich your life allows you to strengthen and add to them.

To gain this clarity, begin by holding yourself accountable in those areas you wish to improve. If you claim you don't have time for yourself, it's because you don't MAKE the time for yourself. There is no reason why you can't work full time, have a family, colorful social life, and still create healthy habits. You can tell yourself over and over again that you're too busy, that it's too late, that you're too tired - but you will get yourself nowhere. If you are ready for true growth, know that these excuses and justifications are ones you give yourself; it's not the fault of your job, your children, your spouse, or even the hours of the day that you are continuing on with old habits, it's your own. You have an incredible power to choose how you treat yourself in terms of your own wellness. The ability to identify areas of improvement when it comes to old habits requires you to take ownership; no one is in control of you - except you.

"By guarding against excuses and justifications, and by making our habits as enjoyable as possible, we help ourselves succeed"

Habit formation takes time, and because of this, it's important to build habits that you truly enjoy. If you'd like to change your exercise habits in order to lose weight, but absolutely hate the gym, signing up for one will only have you dreading your new habit. Find a form of exercise that appeals to you, motivates you to get there, and inspires you to stick with it! The same goes for any new habit you wish to form for better wellness - you don't need to eat salad to eat healthy, you don't have to take on your husband's hobby to spend more time together, you don't have to start running for exercise...there will always be a way to incorporate positive change into your routine, but for it to become habitual, your success lies within the enjoyment of the habit.

Of course, there are still going to be things in our lives that we may not enjoy but cannot simply give up because of it. I like to take these things and "make an experience" out of them, in order to add just a little pleasure to something seemingly less pleasant. Take the dishes: I'm a girl who likes her dishes done. Sometimes when I just want to relax, I find that I'm unable to do so with that sink piled high. Instead of dreading this chore and getting frustrated at my inability to kick my feet up at this moment, I turn it into something positive. I'll put on my favorite Pandora station and zone into the music. I'll play along with my daughters favorite game of "waitress" and "ask the staff" for help. Sometimes I'll even race the microwave when heating a coffee or meal (how many dishes can I put away in this 3 minutes!?) Now, this doesn't mean I'm skipping merrily into the kitchen, clicking my heels at every opportunity to get this chore done, but I did manage to create an enjoyable habit around it, and because it was something I enjoyed, it stuck. Habit of the habit.

Change is hard. It's time consuming. It can be frustrating, draining, and challenging. But you have to start somewhere, and this start comes from being ready; ready to tackle the challenge, to openly assess your previous failures and what habits need to be changed to avoid another failed attempt and gain success. Ready to identify your needs for improvement and to hold yourself accountable for why you are where you are, yet giving yourself the power to change and grow. Nothing is as easy at it sounds, but start with the basics: don't like a habit? Change it. Love a habit? Nourish it. Wish to create new habits? Make the time, put in the effort, and make it happen. It's no ones decision or responsibility but your own. As a Welllness Coach, I come in to support you in these changes and habit formations, stand by your side instead of above you, remind your of your strengths and abilities, and help you uncover the difference between who you are now and who you wish to be. This creation is possible through habits, now let's do this.

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