Friday, February 25, 2022


"Wellness is whatever you can do and be consistent with"

Several people suggested I blog about my fitness routine and meal plans, and here's the thing: it won't help you. We are not the same. We don't have the same body types, digestive needs, sleep habits, work schedule, motivation - you name it. That quote up there, though? That quote is everything you need to know about how you can make fitness and healthy food work in your life. I will, however, give you examples of how I found what works for me, and maybe realizing there's more than one way to do something or be healthy may help. 

It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I love to work out and eat healthy, but I also love chocolate, red wine, burgers and pizza. Consistency and flexibility go hand in hand for me. When I am rigid about exercise and food, I feel anxious, I am aware of calories, I label foods and good or bad (which translates to me being good or bad); I work out to burn calories versus to feel good, and everything feels like a vicious cycle. The more flexible I became with food and exercise, the more I was able to be consistent with it simply because I felt good. 

Think about the time you have in a day. Some of you have full time jobs, are single parents, take care of sick relatives, and are drained by the time you hit the sheets. Working out 5 days a week for hours at a time may not be your cup of tea. What you do to move and nourish your body has to fit into your schedule, otherwise it'll just cause you more stress. What's doable? Are you able to get to bed early and get that work out in early before work? Are you a night owl who can tackle a few living room air squats before bed? Do you have a lunch break where you could walk or skip out to the gym? It won't always be convenient, but if you enjoy what you spend that time doing, it can become a solid habit. Which leads me to...

...Do what's best for you. I hated yoga when I had to hold Chair and Warrior positions for extended periods of time. It wasn't until I discovered movement based yoga (think dynamic stretching) that I truly made it a consistent part of my day. I hated weight lifting until I discovered how great my body felt doing lighter, higher rep movements instead of intimidatingly heavy PR stuff. I hated walking because I didn't get "that burn" you do from running, until I decided to drop that thought process and simply enjoy the fresh air and movement. (Not to mention getting absolutely schooled when walking with a neighbor who is speedy and waking up more sore than a work out!) Plain and simple, if you don't enjoy what you're doing, you won't do it. No matter how good it is for you, how much weight you lose or muscle you gain - you have to be excited about it. Period. That includes being flexible with your body daily; I can plan for a leg day, do one back squat and think NOPE - arm day it is. Rigidity sets you up for failure. Flexibility is key. 

Food is tricky. Some people have legitimate allergies or digestive issues, some people like to eat clean while others don't give a shit. Some people do better with more fats and proteins, others do better with higher carbs. According to the Blood Type Diet, my O- self thrives on red meat, carbs, and red wine. (Score!) - And I do notice that when I eat a higher red meat and higher carb diet, I digest better, I feel more energized in my work outs, and I snack less because I am satisfied and full. This doesn't mean I stick to this whatsoever, because I also love my high fat stuff like avocados, nuts, oils, and cheeses. This also doesn't mean I want you to stick to any kind of diet (I truly hate them) - but it's interesting to see what your body type needs and thrives on. My husband's blood type basically told him to be a vegetarian and never drink beer, so, yeah. No. Just eat what feels right for your body at the times you are hungry. There are no rules that you have to go so many hours between meals or snacks, there are no rules that say you need a protein shake after work outs or no carbs after 8pm. The best way to eat is to notice when you are hungry, and feel out what you're craving. Remember, no "good" and "bad" foods - just "less healthy" ones. And, if you find yourself craving one of those, eat it. Our bodies crave things for a reason based on stress levels, exercise levels, hormone levels. All we have to do is listen. 

Meal prep. I know a lot of people who do this, and I think it's great. It's easy to eat well when you have prepared foods that are quick to heat up or take on the go. Personally I don't do it, but again, my schedule allows me to have the time to shop and cook as I need. I focus on getting in protein at (almost) every meal, at least a veggie a day, and lots of water. From there, it's a free-for-all. Snacks are whatever I'm in the mood for or have in the pantry, dessert is if I'm in the mood for it, alcohol accompanies a good meal or company, carbs are awesome. Create meals that will fuel you, satisfy you, and that simply work for you.

So again, I will share that quote: "Wellness is whatever you can do and be consistent with". If it doesn't fit into your schedule, if you are forcing it, if you down right hate it, find another way. It's whatever you CAN DO - and the ability to do it creates CONSISTENCY and boom: you've created your wellness routine.