Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Growth and Shit


Today, I bailed on my planned afternoon leg-day lifting-session, and took the little human and pups to get ice cream instead. No big deal, right? Two years ago, I couldn't have said yes. I would have felt guilty for taking two rest days in a row, would have planned a bird-food dinner and strenuous morning work out. I wouldn't have enjoyed this ice cream time with my daughter and fur babies because my anxiety would have taken over, making me on edge, snappy, and short. 

When we got into the car, I realized that I wasn't second guessing this decision, and felt guilt free about it, so I snapped this photo as a little high-five to myself for becoming healthier and happier. Funny how different that can look for people; I hear more about people wanting to work out more and eat "junk" food less, so someone like me who used to over exercise and calculate every calorie that touched my lips went unnoticed as problematic to most everyone but me. I was told how diligent I was, how motivating, disciplined, and worst of all - skinny. 

**Unfortunately most Americans are looking to lose weight, and because of this they think calling someone thin, skinny, or lean is a compliment. Let me tell you, it's not. Especially when you've been working hard for years to put even the tiniest bit of muscle on, or have lost weight due to stress, or struggled with disordered eating. You don't know what unhealthy things you may be commenting on.**

So today was a win for me. A small moment where I got to see how okay I am after so many years of feeling anything but. Choosing to get ice cream felt like I was choosing my daughter, my dogs, and myself. I know that it felt way better than any hour garage lifting sesh I would have grinded through. I also know I've had many of these moments on my health journey over the last 2+ years, but being able to stop and see them just makes it all that much more worth it. And, if I wake up bloated from foods I don't normally eat, I'll rub my happy little belly and maybe take another rest day.