Instead of looking back on the holidays with guilt while staring at that slightly higher number on the scale - get over it. Life is for living, holidays are meant to be enjoyed, and in our society, a big part of that enjoyment is the food and drinks that come along with the friends and family. I bet every bite you had was amazing and every buzz you felt was worth it. Embrace the memories, and move on.
Instead of diving into a world of food cut-backs and work out routines, pump the brakes. I challenge you to spend January doing just one thing: accept who you are, for where you are. You are simply you right now; not the you 3 months from now once you're "back on the wagon", not the you after accomplishing this or that - you are only you for who you are in this very moment. Maybe this "you" isn't the ideal weight, or a picture of health, or prioritizing things as you wish, but you can't define yourself based on who you want to be, you can only be who you are, for where you are. The same goes for looking back; you can't define yourself by someone you used to be, either. Maybe you used to be in better shape, or in a healthier relationship, or in a more successful place, but none of those things define who you are right now. Taking the time to stop and accept allows you to acknowledge the past for what it was - a lesson - and create a plan for the future that leads you to a happier, healthier life that you're actually excited to pursue. This will be the key to your ultimate success, because it comes from a place of positivity and self worth, rather than self loathing and guilt.
Next, spend February planning. Know yourself enough to know what plans you will have to set in place in order to be successful. Do you want to work out more but need motivation? Splurge on that personal trainer, or lock down a reliable work out partner. Are you self motivated but need to shake things up? Try a new class once a week for a month, or spend a little quality time with Pinterest looking up new work outs to execute. Need to clean up your diet? Know your triggers, write a grocery list, and meal prep. Just do it. Need to find the time to do more of what you love? As the saying goes, we have time for what we make time for. Prioritize your daily routine and see what things you can eliminate or cut down on. (For me, that change was cutting back on reading to make more room for writing. Ta-da!) Planning is key, but only if the plans you make are realistic to your wants and needs. Don't copy someone else's idea - they're not you, and not where you are. Your plans should excite you, motivate you, and keep you going. You're always in control of your habit formation, so keep changing it up and keep trying until you find the right balance for you. If you're always trying something new and constantly switching it up, you'll never be bored and you'll keep yourself on track, effortlessly.
And in March? Get to it. Put those plans into action and be your own boss. Try new foods. Push through new work outs. Plan dates with your spouse and kids - and pets! Make the time to read, write, nap, exfoliate, watch a movie under a fuzzy blanket, work more, work less...whatever your goals are they are only yours to crush. You only get out what you put in, so crush the hell out of them. 2018 is yours to navigate, so don't go into it hating yourself for your holiday choices. Enjoy, accept, reboot, and take action.
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