When you're feeling most agitated, most depressed, most fidgety, or find yourself in a downright funk, check in. Even though the things you may need and crave the most might not be an option, like a hug from a friend or a nice dinner in a restaurant with your spouse, you can still find ways to take care of yourself in quarantine. And they are not selfish.
It's okay to lock yourself away for an hour a day (given your children are safe/watched after and nothing on the stove will burn the house down). Take the time. Catch up on your favorite show, finish that chapter, soak in a deliciously hot tub, take a walk, call a friend...whatever self care looks like for you, take the time. Out of all the hours in the day, your family can survive one without you.
Establish rules and boundaries with your kids, spouse, family members who may call, whoever. In my house, I created the beverage rule: if I am sitting down with a beverage, be it coffee, tea, wine, or iced lemon water in the sunshine, I am NOT getting up to get you anything, help you in that moment, diffusing an argument, or do anything except sit, sip, and enjoy. Now my kids know to ask "hey mom, when you're done your coffee, can you..." They learn patience, and I don't have to move for a good 20 minutes. Win-win.
Even if you don't choose to lock yourself away or glue yourself to a chair for your "me-time", still make sure you're getting in. It can be a time frame, like "hey, I'm going to do x,y, and z until noon, and then why don't we play a board game/go for a walk/watch a show?" This way, if you're someone (like me) who can't relax until the dishes are done, laundry is folded, work out is complete, and shower is taken, you have the morning to create your own zen - with a time limit - and have established plans for your family to look forward to after. My kids use this time to get their own chores (and now online homework) done, and are forced to play together or have time to themselves before diving into family activities.
Self care can be the most simple things, like taking the time to apply lotion after a shower, changing out of day 4 yoga pants, making a healthy meal, listening to your favorite playlist, or snuggling a pet. Just pay attention to what you are feeling; do you need to cuddle up with your kids or do you need 5 minutes alone? Are you craving something nutrient dense or something indulgent? Do you need to lock yourself in your bedroom with your significant other or kindly send them away while you open a book? If you always do what you feel is "right" over what you need, you fail yourself and will end up snappy, cranky, and not super fun.
Need other self care ideas? At home work out routines? Ideas to keep your kids busy? Reach out. We're all in this together and all struggling - and managing - in our own way.